Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Acrostic Poems

My Tigers are roaring with poems this year. Here is our first delivery. Read and meet the class poets through their Acrostic Poems. Enjoy!

T is for Trustworthy, your word is good as gold
A is for Accommodating, taking care of others' needs
I is for Important, a valuable contributor
D is for Decisive, capable of bold actions
E is for Endearing, beloved by all.


  1. Really nice to my classmates
    Obedient sometimes
    Super awesome
    Smart in math
    Excellent in school
    Loves her bffs Michelle and Ingrid
    Yell a lot during recess
    Never gives up

  2. Family is very important to me
    Allways stay together no matter what
    My family is super nice
    I will always remember my family
    Living together in the best city
    Yes,I love my family including my dog

  3. My favorite sport is soccer
    I love ice cream
    Cool and crazy
    Having good manners
    Elegant in special times
    Looking good every day
    Love my Bffs Rosselyn and Ingrid
    Enthusiatic to go to the park

    By Michelle Aguilar


  4. Determined to pass fourth grade
    Achieve the goal of passing the STAAR test
    Nice to everybody
    Invincible; never give up until achieving my goals
    Encouraged by my teacher to show Tiger pride
    Learn at school every day
    Acknowledged by others

  5. Responsable casi siempre
    Ojos grandes y bonitos
    Sensible al estado del tiempo
    Sábados me encantan
    Estudiosa en la escuela
    La paso bien junto a mis mejores amigas
    Yo siempre llego temprano a la escuela
    No me gustan las verduras

    By Rosselyn Navarrete
